The idea for developing an alumni fund began with the encouragement of former faculty members Jack Scott and Dan MacKendrick on August 10, 2013. Subsequent to that conversation, a Board of Directors was elected to operate the Fund beginning January 1, 2014. From the beginning, awards have been made in the form of scholarships, underclassmen awards, and faculty and classified employee recognition, as well as special student projects for which the Fund offered monetary support. In 2017, the Fund applied for and was granted 501(c)(3) status to replace the original 501(c)(4) designation at inception of the Fund.
Alumni Fund board of directors
Chairman: Eric Hollembeak, ‘91
Vice Chairman: Bindi Pennetta, ‘97
Treasurer/Correspondence Secretary: Sundee Shoemaker Hintz ’96
Secretary: Debbie Hotchkiss Tribble ’82
Carl Clay ’61
Jere Hollembeak ’59
Margie Sheldon Hollembeak ’60
Susan Tate Spencer ’74
Dennis Marty ’65
Karen Holder Marty ’67
Craig Wolverton ’80
Mike Smith ’91
Contact Us
You can email the Alumni Fund at: hotchkissschoolsalumnifund@gmail.com